Lightcatcher Museum Tours

Two of our walking friends who are also docents at the museum will lead tours of the current exhibits for members of our group.

Friday, August 31 – Martie Lopez will lead a tour of the exhibit, American Quilts: The Democratic Art 1780-2007 starting at 12:00 noon and follow up with a tour of the Ray Turner, Population exhibit at 1:15 pm.

Friday, September 14 – Joan Ofteness will lead a tour of American Quilts: The Democratice Art 1780-2007

Contact the tour leaders if you would like to participate.

Cost for the private tour, which includes admission, is $6.00 for non-members (please bring exact amount) and is free for members – just remember to bring your member card when checking in at front desk.  Friends and spouses are also welcome.

For more information about the exhibits check out the Whatcom Museum website.