May Lightcatcher Museum Tour

Members are invited to visit the current exhibits at the Lightcatcher Museum on May 17 at 11:00 AM.  (Check in at 10:45 am)  
Joan Ofteness, Diana Firestone and Martie Lopez, docents and walkers, will each lead tours. Diana will lead the Art in Architecture tour at 11 and 12; Joan will lead a Green Museum Tour at 11 – 11:25 and 12-12:25 while Martie will lead the Glass Exhibition tour at 11:25-11:50 and 12:25- 12:50. As in the past, we usually divide attendees into two groups and after one hour, there is a switch to the next exhibit with the new docent(s).
Please let Martie know if you have a time restriction and can only make one tour. If there are individuals you prefer to stay with during the tour, let me know when you arrive.
To read about the exhibitions go to the museum website: